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Date: July 26th 1942
Dennis Quinlan

No 1
July 26, 1942

21 Athlone Apts
Calgary Alta

Dearest Denny,

This is just a short air letter, as I think all yours are answered to date, and this is a new system that I am taking advantage of.

Fran has been home a week today, and I most assuredly enjoyed her company during her stay with me.

I was very pleasantly surprised to receive a box of 'Carnations' from Mr Chaplin he sent them with a card. "To a charming Hoters" so dear he must be improving now he has joined the reserves. no doubt, that was all he needed, something of more interest.

I expect Fran has already told you Dick came over, one evening to dinner, and took Eleanor, Fran, and myself for a drive and supper, at the 'Maddarin' which revived old memories for us all.

He is still the same, Dick, looking on life with such a sophisticated air he was very amused, at Jeeps love affairs and has written giving him some advice re "no engagements" but according to Jeepers letter to me, he is just waiting to receive Mr. Halls consent.

Every body dear was thrilled at hearing your name over the "Radio" in connection with "Danzig" and dear Son how very proud I am of you, and my heart is full of loving thoughts for your safety; and now dear I am nearing the end of this paper.

Here is a great hug and kisses galore for my brave boy. May God grant your safe return

5,000 miles of love


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