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Date: July 10th 1942
Dennis John

No. 35
Friday, July 10, 1942

Dearest Mums

I have two very, very dear letters of yours to answer, one of which came on Saturday last and the other which arrived today. Reading them over again to-nite as I lie here in bed has brought me very close indeed Mumsy; instinctively my thoughts flash back to those pitifully few but very full days of a year ago. Your wish that we will not be another long year apart is re-echoed in my own heart.

From your second letter I also gather that Fran will have been spending this last week with you Mum and I need hardly say how happy that makes me - it gives me peace of mind indeed to know that my two loved ones are together.

At the beginning of this week I bade farewell to Jeepers for a few weeks at least. By now he must be somewhere in Northern Ireland where his new training station is situated. From this posting I would gather that he is attached to Coastal Command, not [censored] as I am. He will therefore get in a good deal of flying but I know you will be ever so relieved to realize Mums that he will not stand the same chance of facing enemy action as he might if transferred to some other theatre of the air warfare being waged so ferociously from the "island aircraft carrier."

We had a grand, quiet evening together and I was ever so thrilled to learn how well Jeepers had done. He was passed out as "Above Average" which is not an easy grading to obtain these days, and was also recommended for Commission. I do hope he gets it and I think he will for he has done very, very well.

This last week I have been very busy with local flying during the day time but as my new Pilot, Tony Southwell, is not yet fully qualified we have done no "Ops" trips; this delay rather annoys me but I am not missing too much as this is not an exceptionally "busy" part of the month.

It has been rather wet lately and other than the odd "show" on the station I have done very little, this evening [censored] typical, it was no great surprise to me to learn that once again you were a "working gal". But I do feel I must demand that your new job at Eaton's be a relatively pleasant and easy one or otherwise the advantage of your being kept active + interested is far outweighed isn't it Mum, 'specially when you do not really have to work. However, since you were 21 last birthday I guess I'll have to let you "know best"!

It sounded ever o much fun popping upstairs for an evening cup of coffee with Ken + Vi - tell them both I very often think of them - rather enviously too at times, selfish me.

Glad to here you are still "keeping an eye" on Glenda Mums; she should be quite a "young lady" by the time her Uncle Denny sees her.

Concerning those papers from Ottawa Mums - I thought they only covered my assignment to you - and as long as you have been receiving that, I was not worrying about any forms etc. Am I correct? You have been receiving the monthly assignment haven't you Mums? Or is this something else altogether?

Ever so glad to hear you had had an evening with Auntie Flo + Auntie Amie - I will be writing them soon and if you see them before Mumsy, give them both my love - they always write such grand letters to me and are always sending me parcels.

I have not yet received the latest parcels you mention sending Mums; regarding the [?]list. I must admit having let it slip my memory, I will see to it at the very first opportunity and probably phone Auntie Lilly to-morrow to see if she could help.

And now Mum darling it is practically 1 AM and after all, tired little boys don't make successfull [censored] do they? A whole heap of hugs + kisses for you ever so lovely letters,

Oceans of love,


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