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Date: August 3rd 1942
Dennis Quinlan

No. 37

Monday Aug. 3. 1942

Dearest Mums

Once again here I am in your famous London and as usual I am staying at Auntie Lilly's in Earl's Court. Since arriving yesterday afternoon I have done very little but laze about, sleep for yesterday marked the first break in two or three weeks of rather intense flying.

Tony and I and the rest of the Crew just finished our training together in time to go on the last two raids over Germany. They really were successful ones and though the thought of what we are doing sometimes appals me, one derives a terrific sense of satisfaction from playing such a part in striking these devastating blows at our enemy. The R.A.F. is really & truly pounding the Hun with ever-increasing ferocity and accuracy.

We did have an amazingly busy time lately what with training & finally going on Ops and of course the inevitable number of times one would prepare to fly and then find it all cancelled. One got used to going to bed at breakfast time and getting up for lunch & preparing all over again for the same business.

Tony, as my new Pilot, pleases me immensely the two trips we have done together have proved to me that I will receive the same co-operation as from Johnny - in fact our whole Crew is running very smoothly indeed and that really counts for a lot.

The last week on the Station was therefore much the same as ever - with the odd "flick" seen early on in the evening sometimes before a trip. This is my first time off since when I saw Bryan in Grantham a month ago.

I have, by the way, had no reply from Jeepers to a letter I sent him some time ago an am rather anxious to hear how he is getting along.

Yesterday, we all got away quite early - Jack, Huntly Wood & Doble and others were all coming on leave. When we arrived at King's Cross Jack had a few hours to wait for his train to Cardiff so he came on to Earl's Court with me for a cup of tea before his train left. Jack has finished his first set of Operations now but he is still remaining on the Station. I am certainly glad of that for he is a grand chap.

Yesterday evening we all stayed in and I was only too glad to get to bed early. Aunt Lilly, Uncle Oliver & Sally are all very well and of course all send their love.

Auntie Lil brought in my breakfast (in bed - spoilt eh?) about nine but it wasn't until almost noon before I was finally up.

As it was August Bank Holiday everyone was home from work and as it was a fairly sunny day we all went in to Kensington Gardens and just lazed in the sun. It certainly amused me when an Attendant came round collecting money for anyone sitting on the seats!

There was lots of boating going on but such a terrific queue for them that we didn't consider it worthwhile trying to wait. After some sandwiches and an "ice" and dodging the seemingly ever-present rain shower we walked over the bridge and up Rotten Row and came out of the Park at Kensington and walked home from there. It really was grand to just laze about out in the sun like that.

We listened to some very grand programs on the radio this evening before Sally had to go to her A.R.P. Post so then we all went to bed - and I to write of course.

I have had very little mail lately Mums so this won't be a very long letter - however I do like to try to get them off to you fairly regularly, even if they are on the short side.

It would be fun if you could be here with us for my leaves wouldn't it Mum and Fran too! Still one day again we'll be all together.

Night-night Mumsy dear - all my very fond love & kisses,

Your loving Son,


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