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Date: January 3rd 1902

Jan 3, 1902
Army Correspondence Reading Room
Halifax, N.S.

Dear Mother,

Well we are so far on our way alright & everything is O.K. The worst we have struck yet is the weather here. Yesterday when we came in it was frozen hard, but today it is thawed & the mess is awful. We have a good lot of fellows from Winnipeg this time, & I think we will have a good time. We seem to have a good lot of horses too, from what I have seen of them so far. George is well & enjoying himself. It is quite a novelty to him, of course.

This trip is very little like the last, of course, as everybody takes it a matter of course & there is none of the excitement & enthusiasm of the last trip.

I was glad to be able to spend Christmas in Winnipeg. We had a good time for those two or three days. Nearly everybody I knew in the city was down at the station to see us off.

Well, dear mother, I have not time for a long letter this time as we will be on duty in a few minutes, but I will write a bigger budget in a few days, so don't fret as we are doing alright. Remember me to all & love to the boys.

Your affec. son,