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Date: January 11th 1902

Jan 11, 1902
Army Correspondence Reading Room
Halifax, N.S.
My dear Mother,

I suppose you will be wondering when I was going to write to you, but this is the first chance I have had to do any writing this week, we have been rushing things so. We had a nice trip down here & had time for a look around Montreal. We arrived here on New Year's Day & came up to barracks on the 2nd.

We are quartered in the Exhibition buildings & are very comfortable & well fed. We have been got into shape very quickly. Just think, only a week here, & yet we were able to turn out yesterday, mounted with all arms & made a very good show indeed. Yesterday morning we were inspected on foot by Major-General O'Grady & in the afternoon we had a mounted inspection & parade through the town.

We have rattling good outfit of horses, & Bert & I both have first class ones. Trust us to get hold of something good in horseflesh. Our uniform is very nice, brownish gray tunic & breeches, with Salter ankle boots & putties. Our whole kit is first class, & the only kick we have is in the saddles, which are English pattern & do not suit us western fellows. However, I guess we will get used to them.

They have made me a corporal, & until yesterday I was the only non-com in the troop on duty which threw a great deal of work on me, & kept me going from Reveille to Lights Out. Now there are two of us, which makes it much easier for me.

I am having an easy day today, as I am in charge of the stable orderlies & have nothing to do but walk the round of stables occasionally & see that everything is right.

On Thursday night, the ladies of Halifax gave us a concert in the messroom here, and we had quite a treat in the way of music. I hear there is going to be a promenade concert in the Armouries, but whether it is to be tonight or Monday night, I haven't found out yet. Bert & I have obtained leave for tomorrow afternoon & evening & are to tea with a Mr. Johnson, a brother of Miss Johnson, Hannah's great chum.

I am sending you a photo of Hannah by this mail. She sent me two & they have been forwarded from Wpg. Also some handkerchiefs which she sent me as a Xmas present have just caught me up. Do, Bert & I are all well, & although the weather here is wretched, I have never felt better in by life & have not had the least touch of indigestion since I left Wpg.

Remember me to everyone & let me hear from some of you soon.

Your affectionately,
