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Date: March 22nd 1916

22 Wendesday

Was picking Zack, John, Mamma & Papa went to town today in the White I coaked lunch. I saw two Ind. Stealing out of Dave's tent & chased them on horse back. I caught them to get the stuff they stole (1 p. of Purlus Tobacco)

23 Thursday

It snowed about 4 in. last night. I was hauling kitchen wood on the bob sleighs this morning. The snow was all gon by noon. Arthur, Miss Ried & I went to town in the Ford tonight. I went & got Girty & took her to the show, afterwards we all went over to Wilfreds. Got hom at 12.50.

24 Friday

I was painting the wagon this morning. It was Miss Rieds birth-day today, so we went for a horse back ride today. I was over to Perk's for supper.

Original Scans

Original Scans