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Date: October 29th 1941
Dennis Quinlan

21 Athlone Apts
Calgary S.W.

Oct 29-41

My darling Son.

Received your birthday Letter gram, with its lovely wishes, and what is most important for my happiness, to hear you are well.

With the same mail, I received your dear letter dated the 29th Sept. I am sure pleased some of the Canadian mail, has caught up with you and I know how very happy it must make you because there isn't a sure way to make me smile than a letter from you hearing you are well.

Yes dearest Jeepers will be receiving his "Wings" very soon now he expects in about 4 weeks certainly he looks remarkably happy and well.

I wrote you, telling about his quick leave he spent in "Calgary".

Had a lovely letter from Fran, a card and two birthday hankies from her, she seems much brighter, as I think she is busy preparing parties for Brownies and that certainly seems to help her. I had quite a chat with her over the telephone the other Sunday.

Auntie Flo invited me to dinner on my birthday, and we all had a very happy evening.

Last night, I listened to Roosevelt's speech, I really think they are putting their utmost effort in helping "Britain" and apart from openly declaring "War" with Germany certainly think they are with us a 100%.

Yes it seems the general opinion in Canada, that England should strike at Germany, but I have the utmost faith in Churchill, and consider, he knows his job.

It hardly seems audible that Xmas is just 8 weeks away, it would be a wonderful enjoyment if you could have got back for then but, no doubt you will find a very happy time in England and all though all those miles divide us, thoughts will most assuredly be with you, dear.

We are all anxiously, looking for the nicest and most acceptable things to send you for Xmas, and as the closing date for mailing is the 15th November, we are really feeling it is just round the corner

I did mention in one of my letters if you would still like a watch or have you bought one.

I understand, there is a very heavy duty on silk stockings which has to be paid over there let me know if it is too heavy, or if your would still want more to be sent

Nothing very exciting to write, and so for I have not been able to make any headway in taking up a Dietias course, seems unless I could go Gart, there is not other place.

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