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Date: January 1st 1943
Mrs. Quinlan
Lady Florence Ellissen (Director: The Red Cross)

Prisoners of War (Records)
Missing Department.

1st January, 1943.

In reply please quote:-
J.6130, P/O D.J. QUINLAN, R.C.A.F.

Dear Mrs. Quinlan,

Not long ago we had a visit from your son, Sergeant B.A. Quinlan who asked us if we could obtain any further information about the much regretted death of his brother. We now know that Sergeant Read, who was a member of the same aircraft, is a prisoner of war at the transit camp for Airmen known as Dulag Luft and we have written to him to-day asking if he will let us know all he can. As soon as we receive a reply we will let you know.

We were very pleased to see Sergeant Quinlan and hope that you have good news from him. Both he and you have our most profound sympathy in the sad news about your other son, Pilot Officer D.J. Quinlan.

Yours sincerely,
Florence Ellissen
Lady Ellissen - Director.

Mrs. G. Quinlan,
Attlore Apartments, Calgary. Alberta.

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