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Date: March 17th 1902

March 17, 1902
Volkrust, Transvaal
My dear Mother,

We arrived here late last night after 2 days march from Newcastle. I wrote you from Newcastle, but did not get a chance to post it, so I am writing this. We are all in the best of spirits and health just now.

We leave for Clarksdorp by rail tomorrow where there is an army of 40,000 men mobilizing to capture Deleray & get the guns back which he took from Methven. We had a good rest at Newcastle, probably the last one we'll get for some time to come, as Lord Kitchener is going to make a big movement against Deleray as soon as he mobilizes his army. We are having beautiful weather just now, & a good thing too, as we have no tents to sleep in when we are on the march.

I suppose by the time this letter reaches you it will be spring & it will be winter here, which means 90 in the shade in the day time and below freezing at night. We came across Laing's Neck yesterday & camped at the foot of Majuba yesterday & our camp now is just a mile over the border of the Transvaal & Natal.

The third lot of mail arrived here from Canada this morning & we were surprised not to receive any yet. Bert & Charlie have been getting letters from England nearly every week. And they hope that all three of us will go home that way. There are two regiments of Australians here, one going home, having served their year, & the other just come out, are going up country with us.

I will write again as soon as possible. Remember me to everyone. With heaps of love to you and the boys, I remain,

Your affec. son,

Geo. C. Rooke

Let them know at Winnipeg how we are as we have no more time to write just now.