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Date: January 26th 1902

Jan 26, 1902
Army Correspondence Reading Room,

My dear Mother,

I am writing all my letters tonight as we will be loading horses all day tomorrow & we sail on Tuesday. You will be glad to hear I have been transferred into C Squadron & the three of us boys have been put in the same troop, #3, of which Charlie is the Senior Corp.

I have had my photo taken & expect to get them tomorrow. If so, I will mail them before we leave. I was all through the "Victorian" this afternoon & by the looks of things, we are going to have pretty comfortable quarters. We had a long ride through all the principal streets of the city on Friday which was our last mounted parade this side of the water.

The people of Halifax have been very kind to us, giving free concerts in the mess nearly every night, & the young people of St. Paul's Church gave a social to all the Church of England troopers & all the others who would come & it was very enjoyable.

The weather is still very wet & there is no snow on the ground at all. A lot of men have colds & sore throats, but I got over mine & feel fine now.

How is Jack & Vic, & how is everything going on the farm this winter? I guess we have had all the winter we will see for a while. I have put the little pin under the flap of my tunic & will keep it as long as I can. I must close now. Remember me to all my friends & with my best love to you & the boys, I remain,

Your affectionate son,

Geo. C. Rooke
Trooper #554
3rd Troop C Squadron
2nd CMR, S.A.