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Date: January 21st 1902

Jan 21, 1902
Army Correspondence Reading Room,
My dear Mother,

As Bert lost the letter he had for me from you, I thought I had better write to you before I heard from you again as you might think I had forgotten to write to you. The boys arrived here safely New Year's night. Everything is going along OK now & are much more settled down than they were before.

We are having much colder weather now, which is much better than the mud to drill in. We have no further news of leaving here, so I expect it will be sometime yet. I am going to try & get in the same squadron as Charlie and Bert but am not sure whether I will be able to or not.

Corp. Warmillon has been made quartermaster sergeant of F Squadron. I see very little of him now. Do your remember Sergeant Richards who used to be at Saltcoats? He has got a commission & is captain of our squadron (B).

Hoping to hear from you soon, & with love to you and the boys, I remain your affectionate son,


#554 Troop 4 B Squadron 2nd M.R.