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Date: January 19th 1902

Jan 19, 1902
Dear Mother,

I received your welcome letter last week & was pleased to hear you are quite well again. We are all well here, altho' George had a touch of sore throat last week, but he was on guard again last night, and is feeling alright. Charlie is in orders today as full corporal so that he is getting on alright. I have no stripes so far, & am not very anxious about them, but they have given me the berth of mail orderly while we are here, which is a snap, as I have only to go down to the post office for the mail, sometime once or sometimes twice a day & it lets me off all other duties. If I got the job right through, I would be quite satisfied as it is the biggest snap in the regiment.

Tell Jack & Vic I was glad to hear from them, but I will make this letter do for you all as I have so many to write. I think it would have done Jack good to have been on this trip, as there is nothing like it for seeing some of the world, but I suppose it would be an impossibility in his case. I am glad to hear your little crop turned out so well; it will give you lots of feed for the beasties.

I have just seen the "Victorian" from the outside, but she is a trim looking boat and a fast sailor. We leave here a week from Tuesday, on the 28th, so I guess you had better address South Aftrica after this. I hope you will write often as nothing is as good as home letters in a strange country. I must close now, with best love to you all & remembrances to all our friends.

Your affec. son


P.S. Am pleased to have your pencil case & will wear it constantly as a keepsake on my watch guard. B.

1 Troop C. Squadron
2nd Canadian Mtd Rifles,