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Date: August 12th 1901

12 August 1901
Drawer 804, Winnipeg, Man.
My dear Mother,

I am afraid I have been very lax in not writing to you before this, but I suppose by this time you are used to my style. We got down here all right & have been living out here in

Glover's house at Armstrong Point. There are six of us, besides the housekeeper, & we are fairly comfortable. I will be leaving in the morning, however, as I start at the fire-hall tomorrow.

Bert started at the Hudson's Bay Warehouse a week ago, & it is getting along all right.

I suppose you have heard what a hard time Eva has had of it. She has pulled through all O.K., however, & Jim said she was getting up today. I am going to try to run over tonight, as I may not have a chance for some time again.

I have heard from Hannah since she got the letter about Bella, & she says that although Bella would like to come, she has the others to think of, so we had better leave it for the present.

Now, as to money matters. I have arranged with Bert & Don that the three of us send you $10 as near as possible to the 15th of every month. Do, of course, would have been only too glad to have come in, but he has all he can handle for some time, so you must take the word for the deed with him. I enclose this month's instalment which I hope you will receive O.K.

Hoping you are all well up there & that things are going smoothly,

Yours affectionately,
