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Date: February 12th 1900

Winnipeg Barracks
Feb 12, 1900

My dear Mother,

I expect you have heard already that Bert and I are going to the Transvaal with Strathcona Horse. When this reaches you we will be well on our way to Ottawa, the first stay of our long journey. My only regret is that we were unable, owing to the short notice, to run up and see you all.

I suppose we'd have had an ovation if we had run up there, as we are the only Saltcoats fellows going to the front. Bert says he has given you all the particulars, so I will not repeat. I will write from Ottawa, where I hope to hear from you, as we will be there some days.

We are waiting now for the western men to come in, which will be about 5 o'clock. They will march up here, and we will have lunch in the Drill Hall, starting for Ottawa about 8 or 9 o'clock. Well, good bye and God bless you, dearest mother, & if we return, we will not be in Canada long before we make our way to Saltcoats.

Give my love to the boys. We have left a lot of things with Jim and Stan which you might as well make use of, as we may never need them again.

I saw George yesterday & he seems better, but we did not tell him we were going, as it might excite him. Good bye again & take care of yourself till we see you again.

Your affectionate son,
