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Date: August 2nd 1944
Wife & daughter
Robert Duncan

Sgt. Duncan RJ
Cdn Army Overseas
Wed 2 Aug 44

My Own Two Sweethearts

I had trouble for a week or so finding time to get a few lines away to you but things are going better now so here we are.

In the last 4 or 5 days I have received parcels #6 and #7 mailed June 12th and 30th. Gosh I could almost start a Store with them Dear. Those parcels are still pretty big Hon. How about cutting down the size a bit yet. You say #7 is just a small one but it was swell for size. Right now I have water on for a cup of tea and some of the cookies you sent me. Oh yes I got tea, sugar and a small tin of milk from Helen in a parcel the other day so I have all the makings. 

My present plan is a cup of Tomatoe juice or grape fruit juice before breakfast tomorrow. Sounds just like home doesn't it.

We now have a Canadian paper published right here you might say under Jerry's very nose. I am enclosing the first issue of it. You have no idea what can be done with what looks like a complete wreck.

A.M. Thursday 3 Aug 44
Never got back to finish the letter after I got my tea last nite but everything is under control so here goes to finish it off.

The pre breakfast cup was grape fruit juice and passed it around as far as it would go. All the lucky ones voted for it to be a daily issue.

Time marches on and I was just thinking – Our Little Lady will soon be having another birthday. I hope I get home before she finds a special boy friend and gets herself married. Tell her not to do that until I can get home to be with you so as not to leave you in the house alone. Your roses will be delivered as always Paddy Girl but Im afraid the only card or gift I can send you is my Fondest Love and Good Wishes.

I must close now and get back on the job.

I am always thinking of You, my Two Forget-Me-Nots and know you will Keep Smiling!

Fondest Love Always

[signature added to bottom of page “L.M. Valentine” (likely that of the censoring officer)]

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