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Date: 1943
Newspaper Article

[image of MacMillan at top]


CPO. J. F. MacMillan Of Canadian Navy Reported Missing

Mrs. J. F. MacMillan, 560 Adelaide street, has received word from the Naval Service, Ottawa, that her husband, Chief Petty Officer J. F. MacMillan is officially listed as missing after recent naval operations in the Atlantic.

No further details were given in the telegram and it stated that a letter would follow.

CPO MacMillan has been an engine room articifer on a Canadian destroyer and was engaged on convoy duties. He joined the navy in 1941 prior to which he was employed with the Schell Transports and at Craig Machines, later going to Ingersoll where he worked at the John Morrow Machine Co. He was home here on leave last July and had a previous leave here in December 1942. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. MacMillan, Ingersoll and he has seven brothers, Bernard, Lloyd, Herman, Herbert , Leo, Jack and Tom, also one sister Madeline.

Two of his brothers are overseas and two more are awaiting call to military service. His wife and son Jimmy reside at 560 Adelaide street.

Original Scans

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