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Date: September 7th 1918
Don (Jack)

Sept 7th/18.
My Dear Sister -

I have received your and Aunt Birdie's most welcome letters. They were late in arriving but the old saying goes "better late than never.

I expect you have the picture I sent you by this time, of our wedding group. I hope you like it. The blue clothes rather spoilt the picture, which I was wearing, but they would not allow me to have my khaki, so I did the best I could. I am really sorry you are both so prejudiced against the English people. I used to be too, and am still against most of them who come out to our dear country. The most who come out there are paid by their people here, to stay there. They are the class who are no good to themselves or any one else. But I got one of the best, and am proud of her, and love her with all my heart, so it would take more than talking to convince me I'd made a mistake by marrying Gertie. Actions speak louder than words, you know. I was granted a week-end pass to visit Gertie last sat. It was only from sat. noon till 10.30 Sunday night, so that was not very long, was it? Especially when I had to ride the thirty miles there on a bicycle. I was rather stiff on Monday after my sixty mile ride, but am about myself now. You see our muscles get so soft laying around so long. I will be able to tell you in about two weeks time if I make Canada this time or not. My hand does not improve, but they may want to put me on an office job over here. I am real pleased to hear you are getting on so well at your music. I hope you are all keeping well at home, and that your tonsils do not bother you this year. Gertie her folks, and I are all in the best of health at present. Rigler my partner expects to come over to this country on leave this month [?] hope he does, as he deserves one, after being out there so long. He went to France in July 1916 and has been there ever since, so he has done his bit. Give my love and best regards to all at home including yourself" from Gertie, & also from me. Wellnews is scarce so Bye Bye for now.

Ever your loving
Pte J M Brown
Hut B [?] 6 [?]

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