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Date: January 26th 1900

Belmont, South Africa

January 26th, 1900

Dear Mother

I received your long looked for letter and am glad to hear all are well we are having a good time hear health is fine dont believe any reports you hear in the papers for the most of them are lies there was one mistake made about the highland brigade and that was done through treachery of the guide not the general fault our commanders are of the best in the world there is work going on that the world knows nothing about and we cannot reveal to anybody dont be alarmed the war is pretty well on its way and it is coming to an awful & sudden end for the Boers they are cowards & sneaks shoot under the white flag and outrage women that is about all they are good for but one thing dont be alarmed about me I am coming home and that before long you will see me in three months for they are not going to send the Canadians to the immediate firing line and if they did it would not do us any harm we have been there before and I think we have done about all the fighting we are going to do I have heard the crack of rifles and bullets whisle around my head and get sand knocked in my eyes with them heard the roar of cannon & bursting of shrapinel shells and the rattle of Maxim gusn and when you get started it seems like music admitted the first time it makes you feel queer and think of home but you soon get over being nervous but when it comes to the charge with the bayonets and tickle them you bet that is the time you get satisfaction but one soon gets tired of it things must be pretty well over when we are to sail on or about the first of march I dont think we go to England we sail straight for home and I wont be sorry the boys are just as keen to get home as they were to get out here the weather is fine only very warm through the day but for all that I never enjoyed much better health we have no grounds to complain in that quarter ther are certain growlers you could not please if you gave them a bed of feathers the only thing I object to on active service is we are all lousy as a spotted dog but you soon get used to it I am getting to be a first class laundress I can wash my shirt and clothing and a couple pair of socks in short order No Ironing required it would make you laugh to see the gang on washing day I got [?] $15.00 from the lodge & am very highly honoured but really I did not kneed it certainly we have got to buy certain things extras and it may come in handy but I am going to try and carry it through this campaign I am not going to try to thank the boys of old 1247 because I cannot find words to express my feelings but I will never forget them for it. I hope Joe is getting along all right tell him I think I will be home in time to help put in the seed and any way in time to weed the turnips am glad Maggie got our school as she will be near home and that will be good for you is Willie still going to school I expected Jim Gord would of been Married before this but am surprised at cousin Joe I did not think he had enough sand to ask a girl but he has a nice little woman I am surprised at you not getting word from me before this I have written two & three times a week since I came here but surely again this you will have some word I wrote from Cape Town from De Aar Orange River & then Belmont I have written a lot from here & I expect you will get my last letter from here before we start for home I have some old papers I am sending you - the country is just the same no news only I am well & hearty only waiting for the word home and you bet I will put my best leg forward no more news so I will close sending my love to you & the rest hoping this will find you all well

Good Bye

Write to
Pte. Jones
7354 C Coy
R.C.K.I. Cape Town
South Africa