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  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in oa_core_visibility_data() (line 607 of /app/profiles/viu/modules/contrib/oa_core/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in oa_core_visibility_data() (line 607 of /app/profiles/viu/modules/contrib/oa_core/includes/
Date: August 4th 1944
Mrs. Passarello (sister)
A.R. (RCAF Casualty Officer)

The Secretary
Our file R93392 (R.O.4)
Department of National Defence for Air
Ottawa, Ontario
Royal Canadian Air Force
Ottawa, Canada, 4th August, 1944

Mrs Passarello,
31 Yarmouth Gardens,
Toronto, Ontario.

Dear Mrs. Passarello:

It is with deep regret that I must confirm the information conveyed to you by Squadron Leader McNeil, that your brother Warrant officer first Class Francis Michael Scandiffio is reported missing on active service.

According to the report received from overseas the aircraft of which your brother was the sole occupant, took off on July 15th , 1944 on a transfer flight to Yalashanka, 150 miles north east of Calcutta, India and failed to reach its destination. It is believed that the aircraft encountered adverse weather conditions.

The term "missing" is used only to indicate that his whereabouts is not immediately known and does not necessarily mean that your brother has been killed or wounded. I wish there were additional details to give you but you may be assured that any further information received will be communicated to you immediately.

May I again extend to you and the members of your family my sincere sympathy over the loss of your other brother, warrant Officer Thomas Peter Scandiffio, and I hope that the more favourable news will be forthcoming in the near future concerning your brother Francis.

Yours Sincerely,

A. R. f/o

R.C.A.F. Casualty Officer,

for Chief of the Air Staff
