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Date: June 10th 1942
Mother and Father

June 10, 1942

Dear Folks:

How is everybody? Taking it easy, I hope—like me. I got Bet's [his sister] letter from Halifax yesterday and must say in spite of her south paw, she is the best writer in the family. I wish I hadn't let Miss Allison change me around and I could have given her a good chase for first place. Anyway, I hope you can make this out as I'm cramming it in to keep the weight below the 1/2 ounce so it will go air mail.

I was wondering if my cable got there. A fellow came on the boat before we got off & took a lot of cables which were supposed to go that nite—about May 12—and since we've been thinking he could have been a racketeer making a little cash for himself & not sending them at all. Since then I've sent 3 air mail letters so they must be coming in by now. I got 7 letters yesterday including one from Jim [his brother also in the RCAF], Bun [his brother-in-law in the services in England], and George Moyers, who is quite worried over the letter I sent him & his full apologies, but I wrote him & told him it was O.K. as long as he told me the circumstances.

Anytime you are out at nite with the car and the fuse burns out and you have no spare, wrap some tinfoil around the old one & put it in and it'll get you home. I think the reason they are burning out is that the generator is charging too much. Some day in town, get Earl to set the brushes back a little and cut it down a little. It was charging over 20 in the spring and the battery can handle 15 at a time. So Ed [his 14-year-old brother] is quite the man about town now, with his new sport suit—yes? I won't have a chance when I come back I guess. Maybe I better stay over here. I sure like it so far, but I'll likely be changing my tune in another month, but I want to see some of Europe first. However, it may be at nite about 10,000 feet up, so it won't be so enjoyable. Long as I can see all Germany in little pieces its O.K. with me however—and I mite add—it will be soon.

A lot of the boys are posted out so we are next in line and likely go in the black in a day or two—and I am quite ready to get busy. I haven't done a tap for 3 months.

Well, my leave turned out not bad but not good. Of course, I accompanied Harry to Wales. First nite we stayed at Bun's aunts in London—liked them fine. Jim is really a swell guy and very interesting & well read. Next day we arrived in Wales and Harry's uncle and aunt at whose place we stayed. They have 3 daughters—one five years old and the rest grown up—incidentally I had a lot of fun with the 5 year old. The rest of the week we spent meeting aunts and uncles of which there was no end. Our schedule was all laid out for us so we couldn't do anything on our own—its nice to be back under R.A.F. discipline again after that. There were hundreds of beautiful girls in the town who gawked at the "Canadians" every time you appeared on the street, but the gals (Harry's cousins) knew what they were doing when they wouldn't introduce us to any of them. They live at Briton Ferry, 3 miles from Neath & 13 miles from Swansea. On Sat. we went to Swansea—with the girls again—and went to a show against my better judgment, & sure enough, just as I told them, we missed the train & so walked the 13 miles back home. Luckily, the ones who wanted to see the show—Harry & Milly—got their feet blistered & Milly had on new shoes so the last mile & a half I gave her my shoes & I walked in my bare feet. I dragged her all the way & carried all the parcels and still was the only one ready for a walk on Sunday. Next time my leave comes, I do what I please and I do mean "I". It was a cheap holiday—my last summer's leave was twice the holiday in spite of the little work. I came back almost as rich—I mean with as little as I left—am gradually building up a reserve anyway, so its O.K. Has that 25 a month come thru yet?

Jim has his hooks & pay back—the lucky critter. I suppose Elmer will be soon on his way, unless they change their places—which they are almost sure to do.

My friend Joe Young has to go back to get married again. He didn't wait long enough before when he got his license so now gets a trip back. He went with the girl 17 years & still hasn't got her.

Well, it's parade time again—10:15—so will close for now. See you soon and will write again next week giving you squadron no.
