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Mother and Father

Dear Folks:

I got your letter yesterday; first one I have had in some time. I haven't answered very promptly lately so I can't expect prompt answers. There seems very little to write about anyhow so it doesn't make much difference.

We are just marking time here now. Nothing happens. We just fool around all day. We went out in the field behind the hangars today and snared a gopher with a string then we sent him on a good background and took a couple of pictures of him. We had it around the hangar for a couple of hours and finally we batted it on the head. There sure are plenty of them around. They are little things about the size of a rat, a sort of sandy colour and are as tame as anything. You chase them down the hole and then put the string around the hole and wait until he pokes his head up and zingo he is caught.

I have been looking over my trigonometry the last week. Red McKelligan and I are preparing for air crew if the chance ever comes. There is talk of a flying club starting here so we have hopes of being able to get flying lessons.

I signed over thirty dollars a month to you the other day so you should collect the end of the month as it is supposed to come effective in April. Our L.A.C.'s haven't come out on orders as yet but should come any day. They will date to April 1st anyhow so it doesn't matter very much. I'll make sixty a month now so I'll just collect half.

If I should get a chance at air crew I will become a AC2 again for awhile but it is worth it. If anything happened and I couldn't get through the air crew course I can remuster AEM "B" again so nothing would be lost. There are a lot failing ITS now so they may be glad to get us pretty soon.

So Pa can't handle Smokey eh. He might just as well sell her if he don't use her. I suppose he'll use her once seeding comes around.

I am going to try to get two weeks leave sometime the end of June or first of July. Of course it is only a chance but Bill should be able to get some leave then too. I may have to go to McLeod tomorrow on a crash but I hope not. I don't care for that job anyhow.

I was to the Dentist the other day and have to go again for a small filling and then I am finished with him. Well I guess I had better go to bed as I have been out every night lately and I am going to a dance tomorrow night, so I'll cease for the time being and hope to here from you soon.
