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Date: December 17th 1944
Margaret & Marie Harber – (sisters)
Lloyd Harber

Rfn. Harber T.L.
1st. Batt. Q.O.R. of C.
A.Coy. C.A.O.
Dec. 17/44

My Two Dearest Little Sisters Marg and Marie,–

Hello girls here I am again and still in the same place as when I last wrote you. I am not with the boys yet but you may send my mail there because by the time it arrives I should be with them. I received a parcel from Mum yesterday the Christmas parcel she sent me. It came at exactly the right time, because where we are now we're not supposed to receive mail. I am still sleeping in a barn with 5 cows and a bull along with pigs, rabbits, and a number of mice that really over run the place at night. It isn't as bad as the front line so we haven't much to kick about and besides I'm used to it now.

I was down swimming at a pool yesterday and had quite a good time. A number of us were picked out for a series of swimming races that are to begin in a few days if we are still here. I also was to Mass this morning. It was said by a Monk that had a long beard and the hair on top of his head shaved off. He wore wooden sandals without socks. At Communion an ordinary man paraded around the church all dressed up in a black hat with yellow streamers hanging from it, he had on a black and yellow cloak and high black boots and carried a sort of a sword or something also decorated with yellow and black streamers. “So long” for now Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Loving brother

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