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Date: April 9th 1944
Margaret & Marie Harber – (sisters)
Lloyd Harber

Can. Army Eng.
April 9/44

Dear Mary and Marie,–

Well girls here it is Easter Sunday morning. I just got back from Mass and Communion. We had Mass in a tent this morning, there seemed to be no extra huts available. We have left those other quarters I was telling you about and we are now billeted in tents. They don't seem too bad though. The sun shines almost every day over here. In fact I am beginning to get a tan.

I have received both of your letters. They got here the same time as Mum’s did. It took only 8 days this time. The mail has been coming in regular lately almost every day. I have been receiving quite a few cigarettes from Dad too.

You remember the lady I was telling you about in Sheffield that we spent our leave with, well since then she has sent me a Sheffield knife and a pair of socks O.K. [No?].

I think you girls should consider yourself lucky over there, I haven't seen any new Easter bonnets over here yet. You were asking Marg if I went through the steel plants. Morgan and I both went through it was most interesting to see how they temper the steel.

You also asked who Morgan was he comes from Toronto and is in the same Regiment as I am the Queens Own Rifles. He also is in the same Coy. and the same platoon, we chum around together all the time. He looks quite a bit like me, people take us for twin’s most of the time, unless they see us together they can't tell us apart. We have quite a good time taking advantage of the fact that we look alike.

I may be a little late Marie but a Happy 23rd Birthday. No Marg, I didn't even get an egg this Easter. They gave us something close to it though (egg powder).

The way you made that Sunday sound in the letter Marie I could almost taste it. So you are going to Vancouver eh. That's a good show, I hope you can save enough for it. Oh by the way I received those pictures you sent, they were all very good. Jack sent me a picture of him on the skis, Gee he really is getting big. Mom says he is doing a good job of keeping the house in good spirits. I'm glad to here that.

Well girls it is getting close to dinner so I'll say “so long” for now and I'll write soon. I think you ought to watch Montgomery’s movements in the paper if you would like to know where I am, because I can't tell you myself.

“so long again”
 Your big brother
xxx xxx

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