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Date: July 26th 1943
Sister - (Leona Cadman)
Dawson Butler

Monday 26/43

Dear Sister and all.

You’ll no doubt feel like using your number nines on my ‑‑‑‑ for not writing sooner but honestly Sis I don’t know half the time whether I’m coming or gone, schemes, fatigues its a busy time we’re having.

Nevertheless I got two letter from you to-day with blades n and thanks a lot. Glad to hear you are over the measles and doing O.K. I am fine and as fit as can be expected on our two meals a day now.

I got seven letters from almost everybody so I’ll be busy doing home-work. Had a lovely letter from my wife thanking me for the roses I cabled her for our third anniversary. She received them on the exact day and I got her letter writing on the 13th. Twelve days is good I think. aye. She has had a lot of trouble with her eyes lately and I feel by the way she wrote its serious, boy I hope not.

Dad and Mum seem to be very busy now too. It must be a brute with sugar rationed so hard aye. I guess Mrs Herrington is pretty poor I guess she can’t work any so she says.

I suppose the papers are full of news these days and good news I dare say for those who have no friends involved.

I see today where old Mussie has thrown in the sponge the yellow bitch.

Boy there are really some swell crops over here this year and some day after my leave I’m going to help out with it. They pay 2 bob an hr. (48¢) but right now we’re too busy and I’m going on leave this Wed I hope. After that I might have some good stories to tell you if my plans work out.

By way speaking of stories did you ever hear about the moron that cut half the toilet seat off? He said his half-ass cousin was coming to see him. HA. HA. cornie aye. Well my Dear big Sister I must close for now hoping you are all well and happy as I am.

So for now I say “thanks” “Cheerio” and Godbless until we meet again.

I remain asever

Bye Bye for now and write soon. X

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