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Date: August 2nd 1945
Mother - (Mary Stubbs)
Anthony Stubbs


Aug 2 1945.

Dear Mother:

I arrived in Bournemouth today but have hardly had time to look around much. The weather is ideal so when we walked along the promenade there were enormous crowds sunbathing on the beach. They were as thick as ants on an ant heap stretching in both directions as far as one could see. We left Freetown on the 18th on a cargo passenger job and had a rather unenjoyable trip here for we travelled third class. Slept in 3-tiered standees [?] in a large hold about level with the water line and ate in a mess deck just below this. At first the food was so bad that we hardly took any but our complaints were so strong that some improvements were made and ft. lts and naval lts though sleeping with us were allowed to eat in the first class dining room. Army captains still ate with us for this was an army transport. The sea was smooth all the way and the ship much steadier anyway than the ‘rolling’ Andes so I never heard of anyone being effected by it. The weather, even after we got out of the wet belt was still dull and too cool for my liking. We dropped anchor at Greenock[?] for a day and then the following afternoon went slowly up the Clyde on a beautifully sunny day and everybody was on deck to see the sights such as Browne’s shipyards and all the others. Many times an appeal came over the loudspeaker for us to trim the ship for everyone would crowd to one side to see the sights. We stayed another night on the boat here and then got off the following afternoon, we nine Canadians being nearly the last off. Had another all night session on the train but it wasn’t too bad for there were only four of us in the compartment and two slept on the seats—two on the floor. We decided to stop over in London a night to pick up mail from base P.O. etc. and I got your letters from June 13 to July 11. In the evening two of us with Alex went to a new club—about the best one I’ve seen yet. It was nice to see London with the lights on for the first time but as yet there are no neons.

I have not had a word from Peter since the day I left London before so to here that he was home, let known that he was married was a great surprise. I was rather annoyed about his not writing because I lent him a lot of money that last night and I’ve never even heard how he spent it though I guess it went fast. I suppose I might as well tell him to keep it as a wedding present though I hardly see what benefit Patty will get from it.

I can’t think why Dick isn’t getting home. If he is still in Germany then I am pretty sure I will be home ages before him. It is rather a bind getting back to RCAF discipline after being in the RAF so long and from what I can gather today it is very difficult to get leave from here even though coming back from overseas. I must see the Freers again so I will start working on a plan. There must be some way. Should learn some more definite gen tomorrow so will write again.

With love from


[Note: Transcription provided by collection donor.]

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