Leeming, Yorkshire, England, U. K
November 2, 1945
Dear Mom,
My activities lately have not been very exciting so this letter will be very ordinary.
I've been hearing from Stewart regularly. He says he may get to Ireland one o f these days, but at present he just spends his leaves in London, Visiting a girl he met there, so he has a home to visit. While he was with me he liked to go sight-seeing but now that we've separated he seems to have lost that interest.
On my next leave I intend going to Wales. It won't be during a very good time of the year, but it seems that I always enjoy myself on my leaves, so the time of year doesn't matter.
I've not started my letter about my Irish leave, but one of these days I'll get in the mood and rattle it off.
During Hallowe'en evening there was a big dance on the Station, but I didn't feel like going. However I heard that it was qujte good, with a lot of fancy costumes, as well as free food, donated by the local Y. M. C A and the N. A F. F. I.
Tomorrow I may go somewhere on my 36 hour pass. Life on this Station is not very exciting at present, now that things have settled down, and those who were slated to leave have already gone. It seems that we only live for the times when we get leaves, or for the time when we will be going home.
However, I'm still fairly content, and haven't even had a cold in the head, so I shouldn't complain !
So long for now,. Love, Lewis.