Twente, near Enschede, Holland.
July 12, 1945
Dear Mom,
Today I received the spectacle mountings. Thanks, Mom.
Thanks for the photos of Art, Gloria, Gram and you. They are fairly good. And here's some tips on the use of your box camera. Most box cameras are focused at 15 feet, so take photos at least that far away.
I'm glad to hear that Art graded. Congratulate him for me. Also glad to hear that Dad is well again.
So, in fourteen more days, Hubie will be married. Next time you see him ,give him my congratulations.
I liked your description of the gift for Joyce. Since they cost $12.50 my postal order will be short, but as soon as I get back to England I'll send some more.
Well. I guess that's all for now.
Love, Lewis.