Truro, N. S.
September 21, 1944
Dear Mom,
I just arrived in Truro. I had a shave and I feel much better than the way I felt after spending all night on the train. I left AI and Kirk on their way to Halifax, and in another hour or so 1'l1 be back riding on the train again.
Since I'm right here in the Y.M.C.A Centre in Truro, I'll have breakfast, and save the packed lunch for the trip on the train.
The air is very sticky here this morning. and rainy at times. But since I'1l be leaving here shortly, I shouldn't be concerned about it, should I?
Well, Mom, the last few days at home made me realize what I was leaving behind. I know I had said that before, but this time the feelings just sneaked up on me, during the last few hours.
After the ocean voyage I'll say hello again. Now I must see what there is for breakfast. I'll write to you soon.
Love to all, Lewis.