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Date: June 17th 1943
Mom, Dad & Family
Peter Biollo

[“Halifax” written at top of first page; author/date of this postscript is unclear]

June 17

Dear Mom, Dad and Family:

I was very pleased to receive both your letters this noon. You write a very nice letter Dad and I really enjoyed it.

I hope this letter finds you all in fine spirits and health. I am fine and still growing – I hope. At least I’m by far not the smallest guy out here. I was very surprised to see some shorties who had to look up to speak to me. So maybe I won’t be a runt all me life – Ahem! I guess by now you know, from my letter to Francis, that I got both money order and suitcase. So all’s well. Thanks.

So Miriam went to Banff after all. She’ll really enjoy it up there. Did Grace go with her? I wrote to Johnny, so he should get my letter at home. It sure will be good to see him if he gets here in time.

I guess the picture must have been O.K. if everybody liked it so well. Yes Edie told me how much she liked it – ahem!!! I hope your cold clears up soon Mom, I ave a nasty one too!

New fellows keep pouring in every day and I keep on meeting fellows I knew at Manning Pool and other places. “Packy” McFarlane from Edmonton is here and is a sergeant pilot. I’m glad to hear that the garden is doing so well. We also are having plenty of rain, especially last nite, it poured buckets. What do you figure on doing with the lot? Just keep it clear for the kiddies to play in?

Yes, I am enjoying my stay here – I like it quite well out here as a matter of fact. Some parts of Halifax are beautiful. I sure would like to see Barbara right now and also Ray and Dolores, Loretta, Ramona, Elvi, Fran and Mimi, oh and all of you. It is getting close to 3 weeks now since I got here. So I imagine time is drawing near to depart. So you have Edie at work with the baby already – well, well, well, ha-ha-ha.

The medal from Sister Augustine is very, very lovely. I will wear it always. Please thank her for me.

So Edie was over for supper, I wish I could just up and come over for supper. T’would be very nice ya know. It certainly was nice to get everything settled with the car so smoothly. It sure clears up the horizon.

Hello Ray, how is your potato garden coming along? Let me know when they sprout, won’t you? Boy I’ll bet they’ll taste good. Oh yes Ray give everybody a kiss for me and Edie too. So you know who Edie is?

Oh! oh! I must go now, so bye, bye, for now everyone. God bless and keep you all.

Love and kisses from your “Little P/O”.

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