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Date: October 29th 1941
Mother & Dad - (Wilhelmina & John Gray)
Hampton Gray

[letterhead of “The Nova Scotian” hotel]

Y. Depot,
Halifax, Oct. 29

Dear Mother and Dad,

Well after a long tiring train trip I finally arrived in Halifax a day late. But as nothing was said about that I assume that nothing is going to be.

We are again having difficulties as there seems to be some doubt about our status. Apparently they were not expecting eight officers to arrive here and they are not just sure what to do about it. However all we can do is wait and see and maybe things will turn out alright. The authorities here are all for us and can’t seem to see where the difficulty arises. Apparently some message has come through from Ottawa changing things a bit.

By the way I am not staying at this hotel. I am downtown at the moment with John Stewart and since we have nothing to do he suggested we use the time to write a few letters.

This is quite a nice station here. We are sleeping in double-deck bunks still but are in the officer’s quarters and so have a good many privileges which are new to us. The food is not exceptional but not too bad either so we have no complaints there. Our daily routine is very simple. We parade twice a day 8:30 A.M. and 1:30 P.M. for roll-call and have very little else to do. This morning we went for a route march for about two blocks, got on the street-car and had coffee down town. Then we reassembled and marched back to the camp. That is not very hard is it.

Dad, you may have to wait for a bit for the money. It is impossible to make any arrangements here because they do not know anything about our pay. But as soon as I go over I shall look in to it and fix things up.

Address overseas
            Sub-Lieut R. H. Gray, R.C.N.N.V.R.
            c/o Canada House
            Trafalgar Sq.
Apparently Canada house still gives the navy that mail service

I can’t say any thing about when we are going, of course, because I don’t know and couldn’t say anyway but it will be fairly soon, we expect.

Everybody seemed to enjoy their leave. John Stewart got married very suddenly. His girl goes to Wellesley College, a big girl’s school in the States and he was down visiting her when they suddenly decided to get married. She phoned their parents who approved and were married at Wellesley. John did not even have time to get someone to act as best man so that he and the preacher were the only men in the church with fourteen hundred girls in attendance. He won’t forget that wedding for a while

If you send letters (air-mail) or wires my present address is
            Sub-Lieut R.H. Gray
            Officer’s mess,
            Y Depot,
            Fairview, N.S. [added in smaller script: “near Halifax”]

Much love to you both,

P.S. I was sure glad to get off that train.


[Editor’s note: While no year was included with the written date, the letter’s contents indicate it was 1941.]

Original Scans

Original Scans

Page 1 of WWII letter of 1941-10-29 from Lt. Robert Hampton Gray, VC, DSC