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Date: July 28th 1941
Phyllis Gautschi - (sister)
John (Jack) Gray

July 28/41

Dearest Phyllis

I was down to Bob Sheldons for the week end and received your swell letter there. The letter was mailed on July 10 and that makes it the fastest yet. It was a fine letter you wrote Phyllis – lots of news in it. Before I forget it please tell Dad to renew my subscription to the news as I can’t get into the Beaver every weekend. From where we are now near Bath it is eighty five miles to London so I can’t get in there every weekend by any means. Tell him to send the paper to me with name number, etc:
            Royal Canadian Air Force
            attached to R.A.F.

Don’t send anything to Canada House as they don’t handle mail anymore. Send everything to Bob Sheldon – he will look after it.

Harry Humphries and I had a long weekend and so spent Friday night in Slough – near London. It is a not bad little town but is full of the Sons and daughters of Jerusalem who like to get in some quiet peaceful time. We left there and hitchiked the rest of the way to Heston. On Saturday night we went to a dance at Hammersmith with Bob and Hilda Sheldon and her brother Don and his girl. It is a huge place and the loveliest I’ve ever seen. Two good bands play and the floor is good. All neon lights inside – great stuff. We had a fine time. It is only about twenty minutes run from Hammersmith to Heston on the Subway. All around it was a very good week end and very enjoyable.

Thanks for fixing my album up for me – I never could get around to it when I was home. I, too, wish there were some good snaps of Joan – she is just about alright in my opinion and I sure would like to see her again.

I’ll have to tell you about our picture which is now called “Target For Tonight” and is the most highly publicized picture they have had for a long time. It was just released on Friday but I didn’t see it. Some of our lads did and said it was very good. Of course, they chopped half our scenes out and we are only in it a couple of minutes anyway – it is a good picture though they say. You should go to see it when you get a chance. It has been flown to U.S. already and will soon be showing in Canada.

Since you are wondering about my family maybe the enclosed snap will clear up the difficulty. It is my daughter Pam and a model child too. Another thing I don’t like is you telling me I am married to a “raw boned English gal with big feet and beef to the heels.” There are some lovely girls over here if you look in the right places – few of them know how to dress or use make-up it seems to me. That is what makes all the difference – to some girls. I still like the Phyllis I met in Stirling but you will do, sister.

Gee that must be tough being separated from Ed for a couple of weeks – it is such a long time. I hope it is a good place he gets you to stay in. It is a good town. Is this company owned by the C.M.S or what is it. Is Ed the superintendent or just second in charge. I’m glad he didn’t take this so called “quickie” they tried to pull on him because he’d be finished then. I sure hope he does well in Calgary though. (I never could write but I’m worse now) [ed. note: this is in reference to corrections made to the spelling of “Calgary” in the previous sentence].

By the way Phyllis, if you ever send me a parcel could you go down town first to Birks or somewhere and get me an R.C.A.F. cap badge. I lost my cap in the grey Atlantic so I need another. Thanks my dear.

I will go to see both Ed’s and Ruth’s sisters sometimes but they are both in places which are sort of hard for me to get at but I’ll make it one of these week ends.

Well, Phyllis, there is not much more to tell about now except that I’d sure like to be home any time now – this country is alright for a visit or something but Canada will sure do me. The people over here a sure doing well as far as fighting this war goes but for the most part I can’t stick these English people – some of them are alright but they don’t seem to understand us or we don’t understand them – one or the other.

Just finished a good dinner of lamb chops, peas, carrots, and new spuds so feel fine. We eat rather well here having a small Canadian Sgts. Mess. There is not enough though – that’s the trouble.

Must mail this air mail so you will get it sooner I hope. How long does it take. Give my best to Ed. I am thinking of you both and hoping you are getting along alright in everything.


P.S. Pam is Bob and Hilda Sheldon’s daughter and I am merely her devoted Uncle. J.B.

[postscript added to top of first page] P.S. Send the picture to mother please, Phyllis. J.B.

Original Scans

Original Scans