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Date: June 1st 1943

[transcription and transcription annotations have been provided by the collection donor]

Tues June 1, 1943:
A scorching day. Attended the Journalism class then the Advertising - 9 out of 10 for my English homework. Sunbathing in the afternoon. Administration for Advertising in the evening class.

Wed June 2, 1943:
Warm weather this morning, but changeable later. I watched a basketball game in the afternoon.

Thur June 3, 1943:
Another day of uncertain weather. Journalism class is a lecture on law. During the layout class of the Advertising course, a German general & other officers came in on an inspection of the school. Drawing class - still life with background. When coming through our compound gate I noticed a crowd of German guards talking to some French Canadians. The Fr. Canucks were to be unchained, but they refused unless everyone in the compound was unchained. Rumour - the Germans are looking for French volunteers. There were 3 tins of meat in today’s New. Zealand parcel. Tonight we had a singsong lasting for at least an hour after lights out.

Fri June 4, 1943:
Awake early. It rained heavily last night and is still at it. At 10:30 am we were given permission to be on our beds all day (the usual time is from 12 noon till 2 pm). The rain stopped in the early afternoon. The Gerries are getting tough on the chains again. If we get caught without them we have the new up-to-date straff chains put on and we sit against the wire for hours regardless of the weather. We received half a New Zealand Red Cross parcel, which is the last in the storeroom, but there is still six weeks of bulk issue to be given out. The military band played in hut 15A. I did a little exercise. The Dieppe Wanderers playing one man short beat the Terriers 2 - 1 at football. The Canuck goalie is outstanding.

Sat June 5, 1943:
Another Economic class in Advertising. Drawing - still life. The sun was hardly hot enough, but nearly everyone took advantage & sunbathed. In the evening there was a dance (Gremlin Dance) by the Brew Kings in hut 16A.

Sun Jun 6, 1943:
A hot day at last, I lay out in the sun watching the mud puddles drying up. We received a double ration of potatoes. International football - Wales beat Canada, 2 - 1.

Mon June 7, 1943:
Very tired this morning. I found it hard to get up in time for parade, which was held inside as it was raining hard outside. The rain ceased later in the day. We were issued the following Argentine bulk food: cheese, milk, biscuits, sugar, salt & tinned sausage.

Tue June 8, 1943:
Journalism class - we were given an abbreviated longhand method of taking notes. I took the wrong book back to the camp library. The Indians were practicing jumping & running this evening in preparation for the Whitsun Sports Meet.

Wed June 9, 1943:
Hot weather again. I went to the library & got my book back. Double issue of potatoes instead of German soup, which is made from shredded, dried swede turnips. It has a flavor like cardboard. Thunder & rain in the afternoon. The Argentine tinned sausage was very good. Table 5 bought a barrel of German beer for 45 camp marks & sold it for 2 mark per dixie full. It has the taste of lager beer, but little else. - there should be quite a few night risers.

Thur June 10, 1943:
Advertising class - layout & commercial art. We went for hot shower. Argentine bulk food - chocolate, pkt. Dried fruit, 1 bar of soap, jam & butter. We were all issued polka dot handkerchiefs. I traded mine for a white one.

Fri June 11, 1943:
A warm sunny day. At 1 pm, another thunderstorm lasting till 3:30 pm - the rain was very heavy. We had to take our dixies out on parade. We were issued meat & vegetables in tins. Evening Journalism class - I have to write up on the coming garden competition. Linklater (RCAF) of table 2 had made a barbell from cement. It’s use is restricted.

Sat June 12, 1943:
A dull but warm day. The prelim. heats for the Whitsun Sports were supposed to be held today. They had to be postponed till tomorrow morning owing to heavy rain. Just as the announcer bellowed for competitors in the 100 yd dash, the rains came, everyone dashed. The rain stopped in the evening. Tomorrow morning we may sleep in till 7:30 am. Jock Laidlaw (accordion) Hank Campbell (sax) Larry Holden (violin) & Ken Pickett (guitar) played to us after lights out.

Sun June 13, 1943:
Parade at 7:30 am. Looks like a fine day. Our table is duty section. 9:30 am - heavy rain. The afternoon was fine & the heats of the track & field events were run off. Outstanding performances were Jimmy Woods victory in the mile & the close finish in the 2 mile event won by an Indian. The Indians did well in the sprints. A Canuck won the baseball throw. I gave a few tips to the barbell enthusiasts & was permitted to us the equipment.

Mon June 14, 1943:
Parade at 7:30 am. A hot day. 1300 hrs - the start of the sports, hot enough sun to get a good tan. 5:30 pm - boxing competition - 13 bouts. Some good contests. Just as the boxing finished the rain started falling again. Tonight we broke the broomstick handle of our barbell.

Tues June 15, 1943:
We were given a medical examination today. We drew a very good Red Cross food parcel. All this activity prevented us from attending school in the morning.

Wed. June 16, 1943:
A warm, dull day. I interviewed Regimental Sergeant Major Goodey at the Red Cross Stores re the coming garden competition. Wrote up the report & handed it in to Company Sergeant Major Sabey. In the afternoon I saw S/Sgt Laurie, school headmaster regarding an exemption from the Advertisement Association’s Prelim exam.

Thur June 17, 1943:
Raining very hard this morning. Eric drew a very good Red Cross food parcel. Narrow gauge tracks & bucket cars were brought into the camp. A water tank is to be built near the coffee kitchen.

Fri June 18, 1943:
Poor weather today. I slept during the afternoon. A New Zealander fresh from a working party told us some BBC news he heard last Wed. - Sicily is expected to capitulate in a fortnight’s time & Italy a month later.

Sat June 19, 1943:
A promising day for sunbathing. Forging ahead in Economics (advtg. course). We started figure drawing at the art class. The softball season officially opened this afternoon to the tune of the pipe & military bands.

Sun June 20, 1943:
I spent the morning reading. In the evening Frank Fryer RAMC, a friend of Kelson’s came in to see me. He brought us some extra letter cards. International football - Scotland beat Canada 2-0.

Mon June 21, 1943:
A cool day. Argentine bulk issue - half tin of butter, biscuits, cheese, sugar, half tin milk & half tin of bully. Two German kites crashed.

Tues June 22, 1943:
A blazing hot day. School in the morning. Eric & sunbathed in the Indian compound in the afternoon & missed the afternoon brew. We were very thirsty. Advertising class in the evening. No water on in our barrack.

Wed June 23, 1943:
Another warm day. I wrote out some Advtg notes. In the evening I went to the camp theatre to see “Square Crooks” a comedy packed with laughs.

Thur June 24, 1943:
Journalism class - my article on the gardening competition made “Stimmet” Argentine bulk. Heavy rains all day. Art class - drawing the human figure.

Fri June 25, 1943:
Eric & I visited “Swish” Fryer. I wrote out some notes & did a little studying. This evening the military band played in hut 18B. Strolled round the compound with Louis Couter (Winnipeg Camerons).

Sat June 26, 1943:
A dull cloudy day. The Dieppe & RAF compound were locked because the Canadian soldiers refused to work while wearing chains. The gates were opened at 1 pm. Owing to this inconvenience we were unable to attend school. The RCAF lost to the FMR at softball. Rumour: - 3,700 planes bomb Germany with loss of 97.

Sun June 27, 1943:
Very hot this morning, by noon the sky had clouded over, a thunderstorm with rain in the afternoon, clearing by the evening. International football - England beat Canada 3 - 0. In basketball the Essex Scots beat the Poles 17 - 2.

Mon June 28, 1943:
Another dull day. I roamed round the compound during the morning. I slept during noon hour. 4:30 pm we went for Red Cross food parcels but we had to come back for parade, parcels after parade. “Swish” fryer brought us some food. He leaves soon on a working party. I broke a tooth on a piece of chocolate.

Tues June 29, 1943:
It rained so hard we couldn’t attend school this morning. I put in the afternoon in the school study library. Advtg class in the evening.

Wed June 30, 1943:
Little activity this morning except a cricket game. I went out to the Lazarette on an arbeit, digging the ground between the inner & outer barbed wire fences. On the way back we gathered wood for our cooking fires. This made us late for the 5 pm parade.