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Date: June 15th 1944
Arthur Bergquist

V-79878 P.O. Arthur Bergquist

R.C.S.C. Camp Princess Alice

Midland, Ont.

June, 15, 1944

Dear Ma, Pa & Ruth:

Just a few lines to let you know that I am now on “Minnicoq Island”. I left Midland at 4 o’clock to-day. The boat came in from the island at 3.30 this afternoon and the Officer told me that I had to go back with them at 4 o’clock so I didnt have much time to get my stuff down to the dock. When I went up to the house for my equipment there was nobody home but I managed to get in through the kitchen so I was able to get my valise and suits etc. The rest of my stuff was locked in a cabin so I wasn’t able to get it. I believe I will get a trip to Midland tomorrow to get the rest of my stuff. When the boat came in at 3.30 and the officer told me that I had to go up to the island I asked him if I would be able to have the week end off, and he said that I wouldn’t be able to have it off this week, so I wont be able to go and see Rubert this week. I wont be able to phone you this week either.

I asked the C.O. when I got here at the island if I would be able to get a long week end off next week and he said that he thought it would be okay, but that I would have to see Lieutenant Underhill. Lieutenant Underhill is in charge of all the boats here, and as Larson and myself are to keep these boats in shape, it will be up to him to say whether I can get off or not. I sure hope I get a long week end off because Rubert will be off both Saturday afternoon and Sunday. It sure is the bunk not being able to go and see Rubert this week end, and I know he will be disappointed too. It sure is the bunk not being able to phone you all too. If everything goes good and I get a long week end off next week I will be able to phone you then.

To-morrow, when I go to “Midland” for my stuff I think I will send you a telegram saying I wont be able to phone this week end, but hope to be able to next week end. It will make me feel a lot better to know that you are not waiting for my phone call and, then you will know that I am on this island and they have no telephones here.

The scenery around this place is very nice, but that is the only thing good about it. There is nothing here to do for amusement, so I will have more time than ever to write letters. Maybe it is just as well that I have had to leave Midland though because if I had stayed there all month I dont think my money would have lasted, with having to pay board and one thing on another.

All I will have to do here is work on the boats, which is a fairly easy job. There were quite a few shipwrights who came here the beginning of the week but it sounds like they will only be here a couple of weeks, but Larson and myself will be here until the end of August. So if Rubert had been picked to come here he wouldn’t have been here very long anyways so everything will work out for the best.  Rubert will probably land some soft job like I have.

I wrote you a few lines this afternoon to let you know that I was coming here. I thought that you might get that letter this week so that you would know that I was going. I will have to try somehow to let Rubert know that I wont be able to see him this week end, I may have to send him a telegram too.

I hope you enjoy your holiday at the “Old Charming Inn” in Victoria—When did you say you were going and how long are you going to stay there?

Thanks for your letter Ma. It sure was swell of you to write. It sure would be swell if Lorraine would be able to come up to see you some Sunday afternoon. Thanks again for your chocolates they sure were swell. I only have a few left now. I also got the new papers too.

Well it is getting late so I will have to stop because I want to write a few lines to Rubert before I go to bed. I will write again to-morrow so hoping that you are all well I will stop here for now.

Love to you all


P.S I am okay.

You will notice my new address on the heading of this letter.

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