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Date: May 21st 1944
James (Son)

Boat Dock

May 21st/ 44

Dear Son


Just a line to let you know we received your long looked for letter & glad to hear that you were O.K then & we all hope that you are well & happy when you get this. I wrote your Aunt Cathy in Detroit to find out when she last heard from you & she says it was Nov. So I guess you will have to buck up on your letter writing. Its too bad you don’t write her more often as I’m sure she would be very good to you in the way of parcels & sigs. She is sorry you did not get up to see your own Aunties in Glasgow & I think you better try & get there. Well I have sent you on a 1000 fags & a parcel. lets know how the parcel arrives. does the soap injure the chocolates or candy with their odor? I counted your savings certificates. We have not used any. Remember you cashed in a lot before you left. You have 15 $5 00 certificates & 4 $10 00/xx  ones & I have 8 $5 00 ones I’m giving to you. I’m glad you are sending home the $50 00/xx bond. Your money will be kept for you. I’m gradually getting out of debt. We got the front room done up & it sure looks swell. Mother is going to write you so I’ll let her describe it to you. Well you got another Baby brother. He got here just at Halfpast eight on the 13th of May 4. Sat all your brothers have been born on Sat. He is really a nice little boy. Gary likes him. We keep the doors to the front room locked & the kids don’t get in. It sure looks swell mind & when we get the curtains up & a lamp or two it will be hard to stay out off. I would sure like to have the time to sit down & enjoy the comfort. Right now its Sun day & we are working. I am trying to get paid for working sundays. I did not get holidays last year so I hit them up for two weeks pay & increase in wages or paid for Sunday work.  I have collected 50 00xx so far & soon to get the other 50 00xx & believe me it don’t last long but it always pays off some debt. Your yearly insurance is all paid up & soon we will be putting some money in the bank for you from your monthly cheque. Well the Ford is running good I got Kirk to get me a new battery & I had no trouble starting all winter. I have to get three panes of Glass. One on the drivers side broke & two more you can hardly see through them. I got to put some more leafs in the back spring as it is rather weak. I have not had a founctine [?] since we the one at Geraldton. That’s been a blessing now we have to hurry up & plant potatoes. I have got carrots & Dutch sets planted also onion seed. We could not buy onions here for nearly three month. Andy & Billy dug up the garden. I let them plant three row of potatoes. Well Son I got this far last Sunday & since then I’ve sure been busy. We worked late & also the 24th of May. I was out twice to plant spuds then Sat afternoon Mother Helen & all the others went out and finished the lot. I put it all in potatoes this year. two bags, but it means an awful lot of doing. but Mother & Helen will be able to give me a hand. Mother planted the seed I had Helen put in fertilizer & seed & Bill covered them up so you see we all done something. I have got the back yard garden pretty well planted. I’m going in heavy on carrots this year & onions. I bought a bag of fertilizer & I hope it improves The size of the product. Your Mothers Grandmother died last Sunday at five oclock. The funeral was held last Tuesday. I’ve said at the start of this letter I did not have a function since we were at Geraldton, well I was backing the car out of the garage and the wheelbarrow handle stuck the tire valve & broke it off. We had to call a taxi as we would have been late to take the street car. Its hard to get any work done now & I have not yet got my tire back yet but the spare is O.K. I have a W.I.T. & can buy a tire if I need to & have the money to get it. Your cheque came in Sat & Arthur  says we will put $15.00 in the bank & add a dollar to pay your monthly Ins. So take care of yourself & you will have a nice little stake to come home to. I understand they will be asking you what trade you want to follow after the war. Well make up your mind what you want to work at & you will get paid while you are learning your trade. You have never told me how you are making out with your Comet. Kimbell got home for a couple of days & he is proud of himself with his paratroop uniform. He has made five jumps. I can’t see him taking care of himself when choffed behind the lines. He sure is small.


Well Son I’ll close now. I hope you will be in good health & enjoying yourself. If you go to Cousin Georges to stay don’t be making wise cracks about her size it’s not nice & she really can’t help being big, & do try & visit your own Auntie’s & Uncles


Love from all & please try & write once a week

Its now two weeks since we heard from you



Dad xxxxxxxxxx


P.S. Excuse the condition of this letter. I carried it in my pocket without a span shut.

Original Scans

Original Scans