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Date: July 4th 1944
Dad and Mom and Helen
James (Jimmy)

July 4/44

H195561Pte. J F Watson

A Coy. Q.O.C.H. of Canada

Canadian Army Overseas

Dear Dad & Mom & Helen, etc.


Well it’s been a long time since I wrote you last hasn’t it. I hope you are all doing okay and having the best of health. How are the kids doing? How is the little one coming along? Is the house all finished up yet? I hope so.


I got your money order that you sent me. It sure came in handy. I never got drunk on it either. Richard had a darn good time. Marvin and I went out the shells warning event. It lasted an hour and while it was on all the ­shops closed even the shows and pubs. We were pretty mad about it. We never got in town till the last show started and then we never saw it. That was the first shelling I was in. But it won’t be the last I guess. A bunch of buildings were lit about a block from the theatre but nobody was killed. Q. “P” plane has first gone over and a spit was right on to him. I guess he got him we heard him fire at it. we have seen lots of them come over but most of them are shot down. They were travel and a spit has to travel to keep up with them. We saw one of these jet planes shot down by ack ack the first time they were used and when he hit the ground the whole sky was lit up by the explosion.


We had a 28 mile speed march about a week ago and if you ever see a tired lot of guys you should have seen us. My feet were practically raw and I wore a pair of socks out doing it. We stopped every two hours for a break and smoke and most of us needed that break too. We got tea and biscuits from the legion and that helped a bit.


Well they are trying to make linceys out of us now Dad. We have breakfast at

08 00 and tea at 1000 and dinner at 1215 and tea at 4 o’clock and supper at 730. They don’t give us time to get hungry. It’s well quick tho when we get it. Its done up by limey cooks and they sure can cook. I guess we’ll have to eat all we can get while the getting's good. We are having a soft go of the whole thing write now. All I’ve done for the last day and a half is eat, sleep and go to the shower put on in the camp for us. We saw an Onsa concert put on for us last nite. It wasn’t bad, but you know what limey humor is.


Your mail has been coming thru pretty fast that is the last mail got from you. I’ve been getting it in 10 days th: more was 14. Your air-graph came in 3 days. Well Dad please don’t worry as much about me, I’ll be okay. I wonder if you could send me a cigarette lighter in your next parcel. One thats cheap and will stand lots of banging around. Put lots of flint and wicks in for it too please.


I’ve decided not to send Violet’s picture home for a while at least I’ve got it in my big pack now and it should be safe there. I tried to get my picture taken in our last camp but I couldn’t find a shop anywhere. I’m sorry but I tried my best. The shops just can’t get the films. If we get leave again I’ll make it a point to get one taken – If I can.


Well Dad there isn’t much else to say so I’ll close for now and I’ll write again as soon as I can. I hope this letter finds you all in good health and enjoying yourselves. All my love to you all at home


Love oxxx

Your loving son



W.J. Bawlf

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