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Date: January 21st 1942
Squirt (Betty)

Sgt. Boon W. D.

Can. R61125

R.C.A.F. Overseas

c/o R.A.F. Records


January 21st 1942.

Hello Squirt, -

Received your letter on the 15th but as usual I'm a little tardy in answering mail.

You said that I sounded quite happy in my letters - being with Mandel was swell too – while it lasted. But we were split up and I haven't heard from him since. Johnny Macdonald & I are writing letters to each other every so often - we are trying to arrange a leave together – sometime.

From the sounds of your letter you are really having yourself a time with all the parties and dances.

If you see Vic or Gwen say hello to them for me.

So Teddy Wilson has been holding the fort since Oct 11th eh! - that is pretty good for you. How is the grass-widow's union coming along? You should have Doreen as honorary president, she'd make a beautiful president.

Glad to hear that you are doing some war work sis, because it all helps. But don't don any uniform – you can do a more useful job without one.

Glad to see that you are cheer leader – keep old Vic right up on top.

By the way, would you mind sending me the Argosy starting with the first issue – I like to read about the school.

Glad to hear that you got our pictures all mounted. Say I got a paper from Pat and it had my picture in it. Say am I ever a killer-diller – or am I?

Hope you all had a nice Xmas at home – I spent mine here on the camp.

Jan 26, 1942.

Sorry I didn't finish your letter on Wednesday sis but there isn't very much to write about as you probably have noticed. I missed you at Christmas too squirt – also Miss Williams you might mention the fact to her and throw in a couple of kisses too – and make them good ones 

I know now that Doreen & I should have got married before I left – I've been kicking myself ever since I left. But don't you worry – we'll be married – and quickly too, not long after I get home.

I'm glad to hear that nothing was cut out of my letters, none of yours have been opened yet.

I received a Christmas card from Mom today and some more papers from Pat I have every Saturdays Journal & Collier's magazine now from Nov. 15th to December 13th so I'm nearly abreast of the times. But I haven't had any letters since January 15th., but you just keep writing and they'll catch up with me – sometime.

I'll say hello to Mandel in my next letter to him – from you.

Tell Mr. Gibson he has my sympathy – I knew Jack and he was a good egg.

Say that sure was a coincidence about my letter about the lights and then Mr. Mac coming in with them wasn't it. “Great minds think alike.”

Gee there sure are a lot of gals getting married at home, in every one of the papers I've received I notice a couple of names I know, having showers, and stuff.

Well small fry – I guess I'll close now – give my love to Mom and Mr. Mac. Try and keep Mom cheered up – I'm OK and I'll be O.K. for a long time to come. I've got a gal at home that's just dying to become Mrs. Boon and I'm going to make sure she does!!

So long for now, -



PS: -


Original Scans

Original Scans

William Daniel Boon. January 1, 1942. Letter. William Daniel Boon. January 1, 1942. Letter. William Daniel Boon. January 1, 1942. Letter. William Daniel Boon. January 1, 1942. Letter. William Daniel Boon. January 1, 1942. Letter. William Daniel Boon. January 1, 1942. Letter. William Daniel Boon. January 1, 1942. Envelope Front. William Daniel Boon. January 1, 1942. Envelope Back.