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Date: December 13th 1916

In a Church Army Hut
Wed. Dec 13th 1916

My dearest Mother

Thanks very much for the parcel received yesterday-cake, figs etc are fine.

I am now, as you see, out of the line for a day or two and am writing this in a new hut, built close to our quarters. It is very comfortable and nice and not so rowdy as the YM usually is.

Oh! While I think of it please send me some leather gloves (lined). Woollen are no good in the trenches for when you slip and grab the sides at every turn the gloves naturally get soaked with wetness, which often has the audacity to freeze and the latter situation is not in the least comfortable.

Thank you Min, for the very acceptable birthday gift. I intend to use it this afternoon (or part thereof) and thus save me going back to billets to tea.

Yesterday the mighty 12th was our first day out of the line so after getting paid in the morning we went for a bath in the afternoon. Some of us, myself included stayed to tea in this particular town where the bath is and then went to a YM cinema where we had a good time.

I had a very nice note from Aunt Rosie yesterday and luckily it arrived exactly on the day it was meant for.

Oh! I cant write letters our of the line I never feel settled enough to concentrate on them. This for instance has been a beggar to get finished and as I've said all I want to now I'll quit.

So bye- bye

Ever your very loving boy

