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Date: November 11th 1916

In a YM.
Sat. Nov 11th 1916

My very dear Min

Thanks very much for your fine letter and much finer photo.

Glad you had such a fine time when Percy and Pritch were up. Wait till I get there we'll have some fun. Fancy Eva Collcott being pushed back in the choir. Remember me to her. Will you please?

Regarding my leave. You must wait as I have to, although it's a mighty hard job, but have patience and.


Now I have left the YM and am back in our billets where I have just received Mother's parcel and letter and one from Aunt Annie (letter).

The parcel is fine but candles are unnecessary weight being easily obtained here of course will come in very handy now and then. Cakes and puddings are the real things though.

I'm sorry Min I couldn't keep this letter only to you but I posted the one I wrote to Mother before I started this, when I arrived back from the YM and before I had seen the mail I received just now so I felt I must reply to it, in this unfinished letter to home. Compris? Pardonez! Eh!

Please tell Ma I am out of those little things "worth a guinea a box" and should be very glad of a supply. Very glad of the soap, comes in handy as I was out of that commodity also.

Yes, as Ma says the post has been very erratic but we but we mustn't grumble for the navy is working darn hard for us. The trouble was the channel raid and while the navy was clearing the water of the enemy our mail etc was held up. What odd anyway, it is incidents such as these that reveal the wonders of the British organization. Good old Britain.

Sorry Stan has been poorly. Is he taking anything to build up strength? It seems to me that is what he wants but if it's a good doctor advise and cure well I say let him have it and I'll stand for the bill.

Now I must stop as I'm going to that YM again to hear a concert.


Ever your very loving brother

