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  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in oa_core_visibility_data() (line 607 of /app/profiles/viu/modules/contrib/oa_core/includes/
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Date: February 4th 1917
Queenie & Dorothy

France. Sunday 4/2/17 Dear. Sister Queenie & Dorothy Your letter to hand contents noted. I'm always glad to hear from you & your boss. I can just see her laying down the word to you to write to me & I'm glad you enjoy her bossing enough to write what she tells Daddy always loves to hear what his black eyes has to say & hope he will soon be home once more to hug her close to himself & if the baby wants one knee why you must have the other. Kiss Auntie & mother Grandma Baby Gracie & Margaret for Daddy & with lots of kisses I remain your ever loving Daddy Daddy gave your kisses to the boys XXXXXXXXXXX OOOOO I hope you take good care of your Dolly so I can see it

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