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Date: May 14th 1915

May 14/ 15
My Dear Art:

I forgot to mention the other day when I was writing that I wrote Aunt [?] that you would send her a cheque for $32.00 [?] money of hers I have. I gave her a [?] and note but [?] It is dated Jan. 1st 1913. As soon as you get some money in hand you might send it. We have orders to leave tonight for somewhere. I am not sorry as we have had enough rest for one time. I got a dandy pair of boots from Dodge, the best I ever had or saw for wet weather but I don't think I will have much use for them till fall if the weather holds like it is now. No kills yet, thank god but I suppose they will follow us up. Had a letter from Captain Mrs. [?] a few days ago. Cy has a horse now, he calls it a cart horse but it is good and strong and steady. Must stop now and get to work. Will write again in a few days.

Your loving bro
