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Date: January 4th 1917

January 4th

I received your letter of Dec. 10th tonight and was glad to hear from you again. You were asking if I had got a letter saying about Billy Young. Well I never received it and about you sending papers well I have just received two from you and that was about November 15th and I haven't got those two books you sent and I have only received one Sunday Star that Jean sent so it is no use you sending papers when I never receive them. But I have got all the boxes that has been sent to me and for socks well I have nearly a bag full of them. I have got so many since coming here I will send you word when to send more and I don't think I need anything at present but a box is all right once in a while. I am sending you a small box with a centre piece for a table. It is silk with lace and ribbon around the edge. It cost me 16 Franc that is about three dollars. I will send it tomorrow and register it. Did you receive that money and small box which I sent you some time ago? I think I told you in my last letter about having a dinner on the last night of the old year. Well we had a good time and lots to eat and at twelve o'clock the pipe band played up and down the street. So we have fun here in France as well as you in Canada. We are in the billets yet. The weather is not cold at present but we have a little rain once in a while. Our battalion is playing football this afternoon with the 13th. I had a letter from J. McAllister but he isn't near where we are so I don't suppose I will see him. I will now close hoping George and you are well.

With love from Dave
