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Date: September 18th 1919

Sept. 18th
Dear Leo,

I received your very welcome letter some days ago. So you've settled down to work once more, eh! You certainly must be busy going to College too. There won't be very much time for sport. Don't work too hard anyway life is too short for that.

I had a letter from home today. [Erney?] and the wife are quite in the order of things now, settled down at last. You lads gave them quite a [?] when they returned from the honeymoon, didn't you. I suppose Louis will be the next to get hitched up, or is Ella going to beat him to it?

What is Frank McDonald working at since he came back, does Louis still be as attentive to Miss Praught as usual and are the people on the Hill getting reconciled to the fact?

Well I suppose everybody is waiting for the exhibition now and hoping for fine weather. The weather for the past couple of weeks has been rotten here, it may be finer now however. I was thinking of going over for the exhibition but I guess I'll not risk it although I feel pretty good. It will be better to wait a while longer before taking a chance.

Dr. Miller came back from the Island last night where he has been spending the summer. I haven't seen him since but I guess he will be in evidence soon enough. They say he is very strict in regard to rules and that the nurses and the staff are scared to death.

Now I must bring this to a close, write soon.

Your loving Brother,

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