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Date: May 7th 1917

Somewhere in France
Monday 7/5/17
My Own Darling Kitty,

I know how anxiously you will be looking for all news of me love so I thought I'd try & write you a wee note this morning. Well my sweetheart I'm getting along fine now. The doctor put me under Exray yesterday & he finds there is a piece of shrapnel in my right breast. It entered in my back right near the shoulder blade, but you mustnt go worrying as I'm doing fine & am truly thankful to Providence it was not worse.

Well dearest I'm expecting to move out of here & go down to the Base & from there I sincerely hope to England anyway love I hope next time I write I'll be able to give you an address. You see this is just a Clearing Station behind the lines a few miles.

The Sisters & the Doctors here are real kind & we get every attention & the Presbyterian Chaplain comes in & visits me every day. His name is Mr. Robertson & he's right from Glasgow, he knows Springborn & says he hopes some day to have the pleasure of calling on you there.

Now Kitty dear I must thank you myself for that welcome parcel which came just a little while before I went in the line I did enjoy the dumpling dear but the cake was all to pieces. That fellow who sold you the battery love didn't know what he was talking about my flash light is a little flat one that will fit in a vest pocket. The cigarettes were fine too but I didn't smoke many before I got hit & I gave them to the orderly yesterday as I cant smoke now. I treated all the boys to a good smoke when they came. The pencils certainly come in useful, I put the writing pad in my pack so I shant see it again also the candles, but the milk-cocoa I used & it was fine it made a lovely

Well Kitty love I guess I close now. Give my wee darling such a big hug & kisses galore from DaDa. Give Mother, Dad, Meg & Sonny my best love. Don't worry sweetheart I do hope I'll soon be back with you again my loved one. Accept my devoted love & affections to your sweet self.

Ever you own loving
& affectionate hubby

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