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Date: March 17th 1917

My Own Darling Kitty,

Here I am writing you again tonight but I was so pleased to get your welcome letter today I had to sit right down & answer it.

First of all, many many thanks for the photo's, they just fit my little case fine & I keep looking at them every hour of the day. My word how our little pet has grown & how thankful I am she's getting well again & your dear self love, its real good of your dear, but poor kid you will worry & fret.

Now my darling I wish you would cheer up. You know as long as I'm well there's no need to worry. We have been spared to each other so far & if we put our trust in Providence, He will take care of us & bring me safely back to my loved ones.

No, sweetheart I'm not trying to make you imagine things at all & I just tell you the thing as I see it, of course we have little hardships at times, but now the better weathers coming it will be a lot better, Why my dear the way has been paved for us, it was the first fellows that came over that suffered hardships & you don't think the war will end this year, but I think if you could see what I have seen I'm afraid you'ld alter your oppinion. I fully believe I'll be home this summer & dearest I don't mind if its before then.

I just live in that hope, but at present we must make the best of existing circumstances.

Our wee darling sure had lots of presents, but poor little dear she didn't have a very pleasant birthday herself & I cannot tell you how I've worried & wondered how she was getting along. Now dear you must go out & enjoy your self as much as possible & when I come home I'll make up for it & about that notice in the papers, don't you worry, if they want you to return to Canada they'll advise you & by jove if they do they should pay your fare back & as fer you talking of going out to work, just you try it young lady & I'll never forgive you. I keep you & until such time as I'm not able you stay home & don't ever talk to me of such a thing again.

Now dearest the house payments expire on November 17th. You will find the papers in my writing case. Yes! dear I'll look out for my parcel but I'm not afraid as I am getting my mail alright now. Yes! you told me about that fine birthday present you bought me & it won't be long before I'll be home to try them out dear. It will be a home sweet home then love.

Well my love I will close now Give my best love to all & to yourself & my little darling accept my fondest love & kisses. Goodbye

ever your own devoted hubby

Original Scans

Original Scans
