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Date: November 2nd 1918
Don (Jack)

Nov. 2nd/18.
My Dear Sister -

Well Olga I thought for sure you had forgotten you ever had a brother over here. I was pleased to get your letter today at any rate. It was written on the 7th Oct. I have written to you several times, but you must not have got many of them. We are still in the best of health over here, and are sorry you are not feeling up to the mark. Does your throat bother you much as ever. Mine does not as much lately as it used to when I was younger. Yes Olga thank you I got my 20$ all O.K. It came in just about the right time too. I hope you got the picture I sent you of Gertie by now. It is a very good one of her. I am sure you and her will be good pals, once you meet. She is shy at first but full of mischief when you get to know her well. I have just had three days leave to help her get her passport through as we will soon be sailing for Canada I hope. My partner, Rigler has just been over here on leave, and his fiancée is now visiting Gertie at her home. We will tell you all about our wedding group when we get back there. Yes I you are willing there at home I will be leaving Gertie with you this winter while I get our home fixed up out west, but if you can not keep her I would be much obliged to you if you would please find her a good place to stay at this winter in Frankville. You see I would like her to have a chance to learn our ways of housekeeping before she comes west. She and I send our best love to you all at home, and hope to soon be with you over there. I hope this will find you with you cold all better, and you all feeling in the best of health. I will close for now as news is scarce. Bye Bye

Ever your loving brother
From Gertie and I.

Original Scans

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