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Date: April 29th 1917
Don (Jack)

April 29th 1917

My Dear Sister Olga:
Well how is the weather in dear old Canada these days. We have had a change for the better for ten days now. The sun shines nearly every day and it is getting dandy and warm. It sure beats the rain & snow weather all hollows. This is sunday afternoon. I suppose you will be going to church tonight. I lay in front of our dug out most of the day in the sunshine, and read a book by the name of "The Betrayal", and wrote a few letters. Oh here are the fellows with the mail. Wait and see what I get. Well I got a parcel, which is best of all, a newspaper, and a letter from an old chum of mine. I expected one from you today as I have not had one from you for a week, but it will be here tomorrow. Gee this parcel looks good to me. I'll bet it is from Aunt Frank. The paper is from Prince Albert. i hope you are enjoying good health, also Aunt Birdie and Uncle Matt. I am still in good health, and still wishing for this old war to finish so I can go back home again. Don't expect too much news in my letters as I write often for me, besides we are not allowed to say much when we do write, as Old Fritz might happen to gain by it. I hope you got the souvenir, which I sent all O.K. Well give my love to all & write often to.
Your Loving brother

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