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Date: August 23rd 1915

Dear Mother

I am very sorry that I have not written before but I have been so busy that I have had little time to think of writing letters. I was to Wpg again last weekend. I tried to go to Melfort but they would not let me go west at all as we were expecting to leave here any day but we have not gone yet. We expect to leave this week but it is hard to say when we will go.

The photos were spoilt that I had took and I do not think I will have time to get anymore but I will send one from England.

Tell Father that if he can get along at all to stay away from the Canadian Militia. It is not place for a married man anyway. It is bad enough for single fellows. The Canadian Government does not know the first thing about looking after soldiers. Well things are quiet around here now. Nearly all the men are away on harvest leave. There are only about 275 men in the Battn. now and 250 of them are reinforcements.

It is getting pretty cool here now at night and morning and today I thought I would freeze for has been awful cold all day.

Well I will close now for I am sleepy. Give my love to all the kids and Father with love from

Your loving son

George Broome

Original Scans

Original Scans
