Rec'd Oct. 16/44
July 7, 1944. Dear Mom - Not much to say but I might as well get a letter off while I'm doing nothing. We've had lots of good sun-bathing weather lately and I've got a good tan but it isn't the same without a dip in the lake or ocean to cool off every now & then. Of course a cold shower is good but the showers are usually crowded these days. Softball and basketball are the two most popular sports here now as most of the English boys have adopted the games enthusiastically. Quite a few of the guys have made good gardens out of pretty bare soil, but needless to say, I'm not one of those. An Australian has grown a good flower bed, about the only bright spot in the camp. I'm just finishing the Crowthers of Bankdam, altho my reading has fallen off lately. Hope all is well there. This isn't much of a letter. Solong, Mom, love to all, Syd.