R97725 A.C.1. Humphrey JF
404 RCAF. Squad.
RCAF Overseas.
Aug. 18/41
Dear Mom & Pop:
Well I guess maybe I havn't written for some time but there was a reason, I wrote just after my last leave and I gave you all the details so I hope you got it. I sure enjoyed myself myself in Aberdeen while it lasted but of course all good things must come to an end so back to the old grind again for another winter. I met a fellow to-day his name was Bob Jamison he used to work on the Princess Joan and he is a relative of Mrs. Manson of the store he knew Nanaimo quite well as he worked around there for seven years and then came back here in 1934, I don't know what ever made him come back to this place, but he says its home to him & he thinks its pretty swell.
In all your letters you ask me if I ever get homesick well maybe I have but I don't let it get me down, when things arn't going so well I just make a joke of it cause there's always a funny side, I sure would like to get home but I know I won't for a while yet so I don't worry about it and then again, who knows? I may surprise you when your least expecting me.
I got your airograph in darn good time I think thats the best way for you to send your mail, you sure did cram a lot into that last one. I am going to send this letter Via North Atlantic Air Mail you answer it right away by airograph I will see how long it takes.
Mom, when ever you send a parcel always include underwear & light socks that last stuff sure came in handy & Jonkies come in handy too.
I just got a letter from Gordon, Ken brought it in for me just now- what a surprise, all the letter is, is one big bawling out for not writing so I promise I'll write every week now "no kidding" I'll see if I can arrange leave the same time as Gord- it'll be good to see him again.
Well I'd better close now because I want to write Dot and thank her for her parcel after that I'm going to write Beck & the Darlings after Mrs. Ferguson so I'll average a letter every night this week.
Give my love to everyone & I hope you are all well.