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Date: September 15th 1940

1st Corps Field Survey Co. R.C.E.



England, 15 Sept. 1940.

Dearest Jean:

Well, we have a fire in the grate tonight - and it makes the room more cheerful - if not much warmer. There is a strong hint of Fall in the air - so perhaps the summer is over - The leaves are beginning to trim color - and quite a sprinkling on the ground - Crops pretty well harvested, the prospect of winter in this country in some respects is not a pleasant one, due mainly to the poor heating facilities. However it is largely a matter of getting used to it. Think I shall have to buy an eiderdown sleeping bag later on, probably when I get my first Canadian Pay check. God knows when that will be, I'm rather disgusted about it.

No mail again this week, except a short letter from Bill Andrews - He got as far as the Nelson country in B.C. this summer, and was quite impressed - He doesn't mention any plans about joining the army - but he wouldn't unless he had some definite news of that kind. I'm hoping next week will bring a letter from my brave little wife.

On Tuesday I was down to Widley once again and saw some of my old R.E. friends - had lunch with them. It was a lovely trip down, and back over high hilly country - some patched with forest - and some just great rolls of grassland with small villages & farms. I always think of you when I see nice country like that - and imagine how nice it would be if we could make a tour over it together when the war is over, we could put Mary in the rumble seat, God bless her little soul!
The week has been pretty busy and I haven't been out much - However to-day we were invited to one of the neighbours in the vicinity for cocktails - I met a Norwegian couple there - very charming - and the lady knew the father of my friend Plahto - although she didn't know the son. She wants me to come to her place sometime soon. I haven't had a chance to visit the Haywards again at Dorking, although I've been through there several times never at an opportune time to stop.

However I phoned them the other day - and they are all well and had one letter from Mr Hall. They say Mr. hall has had one letter from Bill - en-route - I don't expect to hear from him for some time yet.
The stormy weather has probably delayed Hitler's much [?] invasion programme, I cant help thinking that it would be the best thing for us if he got started with it because that will, I feel sure, lead him into a trap. It will cost him heavily to make the attempt - and he will meet with failure I am certain.


I was late getting at your letter yesterday and was interrupted before finishing - then it was very late so I went to bed. Had to work most of yesterday.

Havent seen Lorne for a couple of weeks, but had a note from him a few days ago - He may be back to his H.Q. next week. As soon as my transfer is through if it ever is, am going to try to get some leave, so Lorne & I can get away together. Just now we are all too busy.
In his letter Bill hinted that some of my letters had been rather heavily censored - I have been wondering if I am saying things which I shouldn't - If my letters to you are censored very much let me know.
This fall weather reminds me of our honeymoon in the Interior - remember? We must do that again someday. It also makes us hope that you & Mary will be settled in our new home - nice & snug before winter comes to Victoria. I hope they will have started construction by now.
I enclose a crazy snap which the dentist, Capt. Wilkinson took - I was sure it wouldn't turn out so didn't even bother to sit up - Anyway it shows me in my favourite position. You could entitle it "How I helped win the war"

Now I must get this away - All my love to you & Mary - and take good care of each other!

As ever -


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